6 fun spring break activities for kids

spring flowers in a field

Spring break offers a chance to run free

Spring break is an exciting couple of days for kids. It’s a time to shake off a long winter or pause from months of school work. Some families take this chance to go on trips together. But what to do with all that time off from school if you’re working with kids whose family is staying home? We have you covered, with 6 fun spring activities for kids - that you can enjoy, too!

  1. Botanical gardens

    For those of you living in a warm enough climate, spring break might truly coincide with the most tangible sign of the coming of spring: cherry blossoms. Many botanical gardens, such as Brooklyn Botanic Garden in Brooklyn and the US National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.,  have planted cherry trees in a thoughtful way, creating flowering groves perfect for an outdoor frolic. As a bonus, botanical gardens often have special areas for children to explore and learn about nature. 

  2. Natural History Museum
    Going to a Natural History museum is a classic for children on school break. Here, kids can learn about animals and cultures, as well as participate in programs to entice budding scientists of all ages.
    Pro tip: Since these museums are so popular, try to go early in the morning right when they open to beat the crowds. Or if it’s better for you, you can also sneak in during the last hour before closing, when the crowds start to head home.

  3. Earth Day activities
    For some, spring break coincides with Earth Day on April 22. Earth Day’s mission is to educate and encourage environmental action on a global scale. Local chapters invite kids and adults alike to participate in clean-up or educational activities, both on April 22 and in days surrounding. Take a peek at their events page to find something close to you! 

  4. Take a bike daytrip
    Biking is a great way to get out, get fresh air, and get further from home than when simply walking on two legs. Either dust off the family bikes from winter storage, or rent bicycles for ou and the kiddos, then set off for a daylong adventure. Bring a picnic and bike to a nearby park, or maybe bike to a lake or shore nearby for a day of play. With more time on your hands, it can also be a good time to practice biking for kids who are just learning - bring the bikes to an empty parking lot or large open park area where they can practice without the risk of running into others. Don’t forget helmets! 

  5. Visit a farm
    Kids who grow up in a city can still get close to nature and learn about life on the farm. Many urban areas have an open farm or farm museum not too far away. Queens County Farm Museum in Queens, NY, is one such example. Here, kids can learn about farm animals and food, ride a tractor hayride, and feed the goats. The museum also has special events with fun activities tailored to the wee ones.

  6. Explore spring at home

    You don’t have to go to a museum or on a trip to enjoy spring and have a fun day. Kids will love a closer look at what’s going on in their own backyard. Prepare a day of exploration at home or in a nearby park.
    Pack magnifying glasses, paper and color pencils, binoculars, and a picnic. Then go out and see what you can find - count birds and see how they may be alike or different. If you have a bird watching guide you can even identify them. Look at ants and other insects through the magnifying glass and try to figure out where they are going. Draw the animals, flowers, or people you see! 

Pro tip:

If you can’t explore animals where you are, pop into some zoo webcam coverage and observe animals from afar. The well-renowned San Diego Zoo has live cams of several of their most popular animals, like koalas, giraffes, and even penguins. 

… And for the parents:

Kids on spring break but you still need to work?

While spring break can be relaxing for kiddos, it doesn’t mean parents get several days off to frolic in the season. For those of you still working while school is out of session, set yourself up for success with a Smartsitter.

Smart Sitting can match you with an engaging, experienced fill-in babysitter to jump right in during Spring Break week and entertain your kids with the spring break activities above and more. No hassle, no worries, and no chance for your kiddos to get bored! Read more about our process here or click the button below to get started. 

Ps. for more tips and tricks in parenting, sign up for our newsletter. If you are a nanny looking for tips of activities with kids as well as guidance in your career, this is the newsletter for you!

Cajsa Landin