How to be the best nanny: 4 expert tips

from the premier NYC nanny agency

Woman catching laughing child in the air.

After years of helping outstanding nannies find fulfilling jobs with families all over the country, we know something about being the best nanny possible. While we cannot teach people who want to be nannies how to love children (they bring plenty of that on their own!), we can offer some insight into how a good nanny can level up and become great.

Here are our top 4 tips on how to be the best nanny any family will love to hire. 

1. Communicate, communicate, communicate

Even though a large part of any nanny’s day is having fun with kiddos and challenging their charges to explore and grow, a nanny is also an employee. This means that keeping parents in the loop, both in the day-to-day events and the long-term scale, is important for keeping the working relationship in tip top shape. By being open and talking through things that come up, you make it easy for the parents to understand and appreciate your perspective and bring peace of mind to both yourself and them.

Important topics to discuss as a nanny:

  • any conflicts that come up

  • plans or changes that you may foresee for yourself 

  • anything that is unclear in your role, contract, or compensation

  • any conflicts with the kiddos or if something unforeseen happened during your time together, like an accident or that the child got hurt

2. The best nanny is a proactive nanny

Illustration of adult smiling next to a clipboard holding a piece of paper with checkmarks.

Another tip for being the best nanny is to be one step ahead of the game. So much of parenting involves planning, and it definitely adds stress to parents’ days to have to keep track of kids’ lunch boxes and making sure there are clean clothes in the closet.

Relieve parents’ stress – and gain their gratitude – by thinking ahead to what the family might need tomorrow. Use nap time to throw in a load of laundry, always wash out lunch boxes after you get back from school pickup, prep dinner by cutting up veggies together with the kiddos. Bonus points for adding to shopping lists any time you use up the last of the milk or another pantry staple! 

By being proactive in looking out for what the family needs and setting them up for an easy evening or tomorrow – even if you won’t be on duty to benefit from it – you’ll help parents save time, reduce stress, and avoid last-minute panic. This way, they’re ready to have a smooth, easy day, knowing their nanny cares about their family and is an integral part of the machinery that makes it go around. 

3. Keep learning about childcare

It’s hard to be an outstanding nanny without some experience under your belt, but even with years of experience, there is always more to learn. If you want to take your nanny skills from good to great, consider taking child development courses or an infant nanny certification

Knowing the basics of child development will help you understand your charges’ reactions and how their behavior may change as they grow. This, in turn, can help you guide the kiddo through conflicts and overwhelm and give them the support and encouragement they need to take the next step in their development. Not only will parents notice, but you’ll have a way more fun and rewarding time with the kids - even through the dreaded “terrible twos” (which aren’t actually terrible so much as totally normal development leaps!). 

4. Be. On. Time. 

In all our years as a busy nanny agency in New York, one of the traits we have most often heard parents emphasize is timeliness. It’s also one of the most frequent conflicts they bring up to us when things aren’t working well. As a nanny, you are an indispensable part of the entire weekly puzzle. Busy families rely on everything in their schedule working smoothly and according to plan. One delay in the morning can set off a domino effect for the whole day – and for everyone’s moods. 

This means: always be on time. Always expect your commute to take slightly longer than Google Maps says it will. Always attempt to arrive 5-10 minutes before schedule. If you start your shift with school pickup, bake in even more extra time. Being left at pickup can be devastating for kiddos, and it creates a headache for the teachers or administrators who have to hold on to the child. If you do find yourself late, make sure to let parents, and the school where applicable, know well in advance and let them know you ETA, so that they can adjust accordingly. 

Smart Sitting Helps Good Nannies Become Great

At Smart Sitting, we are dedicated to helping both nannies within our network and those hoping to join learn more about the profession and gain insight into how to become the best nanny they can be. If you are a nanny, our blog is full of free resources for you!

For those of you transitioning from a teaching position into nannying, read our 6 helpful tips on making the leap to in-home care. If you are currently applying for nanny jobs, these tips on what to include in your nanny resumé may help.

Ready to work with a nanny agency that advocates for you as a nanny while matching you with ideal families based on what both sides are looking for?

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