Why you should review your nanny’s contract each year

And how to ensure your nanny contract is up to date

Dark green typewriter displaying a page with the word "Update."

When starting a new year, many people find it a good time to take stock of practical details of their lives and make sure they are ready for the bright year ahead. One thing we can do is look over working relationships, and for parents, this may involve checking in on your nanny’s employment.

As an NYC-based nanny agency, we have long been staunch supporters of having a nanny contract when hiring a new childcare provider. A contract gives both you and your nanny the peace of mind of knowing expectations and responsibilities of both employer and employee. It also protects you from having to make quick decisions in the heat of the moment that risk leading to unnecessary conflicts. 

Why review your nanny contract each year?

A nanny contract is only as good as it is accurate. Maybe you hired your nanny at a time when you had an infant, or you were staying home and tag-teaming with the nanny, or your children didn’t have any after-school activities. If any of these things are no longer the case, chances are that parts of your contract are no longer relevant. Not only will there be tasks and directions that no longer apply, but the contract may be missing some pretty significant changes. 

Reviewing and updating your nanny contract each year with ensure both you and your nanny are on the same page about:

  • Responsibilities of the childcare position

  • Expectations for compensation

  • How each of you should react to or handle any unforeseen circumstances that arise.

A contract review will also help you see what your nanny is managing on a daily basis and may make it easier for you to understand where they are coming from when it comes to salary negotiations and requests for a raise

Lastly, going over any updates to the contract with your nanny gives you both an opportunity to chat through how things are going, discuss areas that can be improved upon, and express your appreciation for the nanny’s hard work – something that is always appreciated. 

Details to update in your nanny contract

Some details may need to be updated because of changes in your family’s life. This includes if you had a new baby, had a change in work situation, or maybe moved to a new home.

Other details may need to be updated simply as your routines have changed or you’ve realized that your original expectations weren’t as streamlined or helpful as you’d like. 

You know the details of your nanny’s daily responsibilities best. A few of the most common areas to look over in your contract: 

  • Daily nanny responsibilities and expectations, including: infant care, feeding, homework, school drop-off/pick-up, activities, transportation (public or driving)

  • If your family has expanded to include new family members (human babies and fur babies alike!)

  • Any new responsibilities regarding cooking for family, taking care of pets, housekeeping

  • Compensation for paid time off, sick days, 

  • Expectations on communication regarding lateness, sick leave, events of the day, etc.

This is also a great time to review and update practical - and crucial - information, such as any emergency contact details, pediatrician information, and new allergies or medications. Most likely, your nanny will already be aware of them, but it’s always a good idea to have these on paper, especially if you need them for a last-minute, fill-in sitter or similar. 

Need help reviewing your nanny contract?

Throughout the years, we have refined our nanny contract template and have helped hundreds of families craft a guiding document that helps all parties maintain the most effective and positive working relationship.

If you are overwhelmed with trying to hire the right person for your family - in the right way - reach out to us. Our dedicated Family Specialists will get to know your family and your needs and help you find an outstanding nanny who will be so much more than what can be outlined on paper. 

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