Support from the Start: The Essential Guide to Newborn Care Specialists

Is a newborn care specialist right for your family?

What is a newborn care specialist (and why it’s not a baby nurse!)

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Welcoming a new baby into your home is a powerful mix of joy and overwhelm, and it definitely comes with its set of challenges, especially for first-time parents. In these early days, extra help can be not just a relief but a necessity. This is where a newborn care specialist comes into play, offering a guiding hand in navigating the complexities of newborn care.

What is a Newborn care specialist?

Understanding the Role

These specialists come with a wealth of knowledge and experience in all things newborn

A newborn care specialist is a professional dedicated to providing specialized care for newborns during the first few months of life. Unlike a traditional babysitter, these specialists come with a wealth of knowledge and experience in all things newborn, from feeding and sleep training to soothing techniques and newborn health.

A newborn care specialist, or NCS, also provides extensive support to new parents. They might bring the baby in for night time breastfeeding but otherwise allow the new mom to sleep, or spend time educating new parents on what to look for or how to care for their infant, so that once the NCS’s contract is over, the parents are empowered to care for their baby in a unique and big way. 

Key Qualifications

The best newborn care specialists are those with extensive training in infant care and an understanding of newborn and infant development. Their expertise is aimed at making the transition into parenthood as smooth as possible.

Specialist skills might include: 

  • lactation consulting

  • sleep training/healthy sleep habits

  • feeding

  • managing colic or fussy babies

  • health monitoring

NCS Schedules

Typical for the role of newborn care specialist, NCS, is that it is a much more intense schedule than for a regular nanny, but for a limited time period. Commonly, an NCS: 

  • Joins the family right after the baby is born

  • Stays at least 2 months, but often 3-4 months

  • Lives in the home, working an overnight, 12-hour shift, or full, 24 hour shifts 

  • Will have a longer chunk of time off during the day for a 24-hour shift, as well as the permission to sleep when the baby sleeps at night

Newborn Care Specialist vs. Baby Nurse: What's the Difference?

Traditionally, the term for someone who helps care for newborns around the clock were called baby nurses. However, the term newborn care specialist emphasizes the professional nature of the role and clarifies the education and training required to take on this unique and important job. 

Why Parents Might Need a Newborn Care Specialist

Every parent deserves support and rest to be the best for their newborn.

The early stages of parenthood can be overwhelming. A newborn care specialist not only ensures the best care for your baby but also educates and empowers parents, offering them much-needed rest and reassurance.

Parents returning to work may also be in particular need of a strong support system at home that gives them peace of mind for the well-being of their baby, as well as significantly more rest than new parents tend to get when caring for their newborn on their own, or with only part time/daytime help. 

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Newborn Care Specialist


  • Expert care and advice for the newborn

  • Support for parents, including education, troubleshooting and coping strategies

  • Ability for parents to get much-needed sleep and rest

  • Flexibility and customization of care to match family needs


  • Cost considerations and affordability

  • Potential challenges in finding the right match for one’s needs


How to Choose the Right Newborn Care Specialist

Finding the right NCS can feel overwhelming. This is a person who will be in your home during a very powerful, stressful, intimate, and emotional time in your family’s life. That said, finding the right NCS can also enable you to enjoy that time, feel supported and move forward empowered. Many people we talk to who have had positive working experiences with their newborn care specialists come away from it profoundly changed and forever connected to these caregivers. 

Every family's needs are unique, but here are a few things to look out for, when hiring a newborn care specialist:

  • Experience with newborns and infants

  • Certifications, in infant development, sleep training, lactation consulting, or general NCS certifications

  • Experience with any special needs your family may have 

  • How their values align with yours when it comes to childcare

  • How you feel spending time with them – it is super important to feel comfortable with a person who will be in your home during such a sensitive time

Get Help in Finding Help

Choosing the right newborn care specialist can profoundly impact your early parenting journey, and it can be tricky to know just what to look for. Fortunately, we here at Smart Sitting have been helping families finding professional, experienced, warm, and supportive newborn care specialists for well over a decade. 

If you are looking for a newborn care specialist and don’t know where to start, reach out to us today. One of our dedicated team members will get to know you, your families, and your ideal caregiver, and hand pick potential candidates who they think will be just right for you. They’ll also be here to support and guide you through the process. All to bring you peace of mind and just the kind of warm, happy home you want to bring your baby into. 

FAQ about Newborn Care Specialists 

What Does a Newborn Care Specialist Do?

A newborn care specialist assists with all aspects of newborn care, including feeding, sleep training, and soothing, while also supporting the parents. They usually start working shortly after the baby is born and stay for the first few months. A newborn care specialist may work 12-hour, overnight shifts or 24/7 shifts with breaks during the day. 

How Much Does a Newborn Care Specialist Cost?

Costs vary widely based on location, the specialist's experience, and the services provided. It's crucial to discuss fees and expectations upfront. Talk with a local nanny agency if you are unsure of the going rates where you live. 

Can a Newborn Care Specialist Help with Postpartum Recovery?

While their primary focus is on the baby, many specialists are also knowledgeable about postpartum recovery and can offer valuable support and resources to new mothers. Discuss expectations up front, as some newborn care specialists are very clear on their focus on the baby. This is especially important if you have other children in the home. 

Cajsa Landin