Back to school: 6 tips to make this the smoothest transition yet

With a little planning, going back to school can be a breeze - for both you and your kiddo. 

It's that time of year again: the slow, sun-soaked days of summer are waving goodbye, and the exciting rush of a new school year is just around the corner. We know that this can stir up a mix of feelings in kids and adults alike. So we've put together some tried-and-true tips to make the switch from pool parties to pencils as smooth as possible.

If it’s your kiddo’s very first day of school ever, read these 6 tips on how to prepare for the first day of school.

1. Find your sleeping rhythm

Lazy summer mornings can morph bedtime routines, but as school nears, it's time to adjust those clocks. Try to move bedtime and wake-up time a little earlier to mimic the school schedule, in as little as 15-minute increments. This way, your kiddos are well-rested and ready to tackle the first day of school head-on.

2. Let's talk about it

School can be a rollercoaster of emotions for kids, from the thrill of seeing friends again to the nervousness about new classes or even a new school. Make sure to keep the conversation flowing at home. Your children will appreciate having a safe space to express their feelings, and it'll give you a sense of how best to support them. 

Also, by talking regularly about your kid’s teachers, the friends they’ll see, or things they love to do at school, they’ll be more prepared when the first day comes. They’ll be primed to remember fun things and feel a sense of familiarity when their favorite teacher comes walking down the hall. 

3. Prep a study corner

A comfy space for homework and studying can make all the difference, especially for school-aged kids who haven’t yet become reclusive teenagers. It doesn't need to be a separate room, just a quiet corner with a desk, chair, and good lighting will do. 

Having a designated study spot can boost focus and make homework time a little less groan-worthy. Let your kiddo pick out one fun school supply that lives on the desk year round, for extra motivation. 

4. Pack a power lunch

School lunches should be something kids look forward to! Talk with your child about what they'd like to eat and maybe even go grocery shopping together – find the middle ground between healthy and tasty. Try making lunch the night before to sidestep morning mayhem (we know, we know, easier said than done!). 

5. Day one celebrations

The first day of school is as much a milestone as the last day, so why not make it a celebration? You can start a fun tradition like taking a first-day photo or writing a surprise note to find at lunchtime. Kids are often very proud about stepping up to the next grade, and getting your acknowledgement will give them a major boost. This gives your child something to look forward to and starts the school year on a high note.

6. Don’t forget the nanny know-how

If you have a nanny, they can be a fantastic ally in this transition. A prepared nanny can help maintain the new routine and provide emotional support. They’ll also be another comforting link between silly summer days and reluctant school drop-offs, making the back-to-school switch smoother. 

illustration of a woman waving with two kids

Speaking of nanny know-how

If you need a new after-school nanny, work with an agency who has navigated the mayhem of New York City back-to-school for well over a decade. At Smart Sitting, we know what it takes to make the first day of school (and the fiftieth, and the five hundredth) an absolute success, and we can help you, too. 

Ps. for more tips in parenting and hiring a nanny, sign up for our newsletter!

Cajsa Landin