Embracing Pronouns: A Guide for Parents, Sitters, and Nannies

By Ashley Wiah, Assistant Recruitment Coordinator

In celebration of Pride Month, Smart Sitting is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and acceptance in all aspects of childcare. One important aspect of fostering an inclusive environment is respecting and embracing gender identity, including the use of preferred pronouns. In this guide, we will explore the significance of pronouns, provide practical tips for incorporating them into daily interactions, and share valuable resources for further learning.

Understanding Pronouns:

To start, let's understand what pronouns are and why they matter. Pronouns are words used to refer to a person instead of using their name repeatedly. They represent an individual's gender identity and help to affirm and validate their self-expression. It is essential to acknowledge that not everyone identifies with the traditional binary pronouns of "he" or "she," and using the correct pronouns is an important step towards creating an inclusive and respectful environment.

Using the Right Pronouns:

Open Communication: Encourage open and honest conversations with children, parents, and fellow caregivers about pronouns. Create a safe space where individuals feel comfortable expressing their preferred pronouns.

Normalize Sharing Pronouns: Make it a common practice for everyone to introduce themselves with their pronouns. This normalizes the act of sharing pronouns and reduces assumptions based on appearance or gender stereotypes.

Active Listening and Correcting: Pay attention to the pronouns others use and make an effort to use them correctly. If you make a mistake, correct yourself without making a fuss or drawing unnecessary attention.

Ask and Respect: If you're unsure about someone's pronouns, respectfully ask. It's better to seek clarification than to make assumptions. Once you know someone's pronouns, use them consistently and respectfully.

Using Smart Sitting’s Core Values!

Incorporating our core values of being genuine, professional, adaptable, accountable, and supportive plays a crucial role in embracing pronouns and creating an inclusive environment. Here's how these values can be applied:

  1. Being Genuine: Approach pronoun discussions with authenticity and sincerity. Show genuine interest in learning about and respecting each individual's pronouns. Create an open and non-judgmental space where everyone feels comfortable expressing their gender identity.

  2. Being Professional: Treat pronoun usage as a professional responsibility. Model appropriate pronoun usage and encourage others to do the same. Maintain a respectful and inclusive approach in all interactions, ensuring that pronouns are used accurately and consistently.

  3. Being Adaptable: Recognize that pronouns may vary across different individuals, and even within the same individual's journey. Stay adaptable and flexible in adapting to new pronouns or changes in pronoun preferences. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow in understanding gender diversity.

  4. Being Accountable: Take personal responsibility for using correct pronouns and ensuring that others do so as well. Hold yourself accountable for any mistakes made and make a genuine effort to correct them promptly. Foster a culture of accountability and encourage open dialogue if errors occur.

  5. Being Supportive: Show support and compassion to individuals who may be navigating their gender identity and expression. Offer encouragement, affirmation, and validation when using their preferred pronouns. Create a supportive network where everyone feels valued and respected.

Remember, embracing pronouns is an ongoing process of learning and growth.By embracing these core values, parents, sitters, and nannies can contribute to a more inclusive and affirming environment where all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, feel seen, heard, and respected.

Here are some credible resources related to pronouns:

Luke Winter