Smart Sitting's Family Referral Contest!

From your Community Coordinators, Luke Winter and Ashley Wiah

Hey there, SmartSitters!

Are you in need of some coffee? It is Monday, after all. I don’t know about you, but this is about the time where I up my coffee intake for the rest of the week. And wouldn’t it be nice if Smart Sitting would help you out and pay for those extra coffees? Well…we can! Keep reading and find out how!

Do you know any families in need of childcare, and you wish you could do the job yourself but you just don’t have the time? Want to help them find a high-quality caregiver? Well, we’d love to meet them! We know the end of summer is the time when families start finalizing their schedules and realize maybe they need more help than they thought, so we are here to help! And, for anyone who shares Smart Sitting with families they know, we wanted to thank you for your part in helping us #sharethesmart!

From August 7th to September 7th, we’re launching a contest for all SmartSitters to refer families to us for the chance to win a Starbucks gift card! The winners will be as follows:

  1. The SmartSitter who refers the most families that launch a search with us.

  2. One randomly selected SmartSitter who refers at least one (1) family who launches a search with us.

Rules and Regulations:
-You MUST MUST MUST use our referral link ( in order for your referral to count for the contest.
-The SmartSitter who refers the most families who launch a search will win a $100 gift card.
-If your referrals reached out but did not launch a search, and you are randomly selected to win, you will receive a $25 gift card.
-If any of your referrals have launched a search with us, and you are subsequently randomly selected to win, you will receive a $50 gift card.

So what are you waiting for? Click that referral link and start sending new families our way! We can’t wait to meet them!

P.S. As a coffee snob myself, I am not a huge Starbucks fan so, if you’re like me and you love your little indie coffee shop and would rather have a gift card there…we’ll get you one in lieu of Starbucks, provided the gift card can be purchased online.

Luke Winter