First Time Working with a Babysitter? Here Are the Top 3 Tips for a Smooth Transition

As the warm breeze of summer rolls in, bringing with it the promise of sun-drenched days and relaxed evenings, many parents are planning to take well-deserved breaks. Whether it's a date night or simply a quiet evening to recharge, employing a babysitter for the first time can be a significant step. 

But where does one start? Isn’t it scary to leave your precious baby with someone new? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. As a nanny agency who has helped hundreds of families navigate their very first experience with a babysitter, we’ve picked up a few inside insights along the way. Here are three essential tips to ensure both your child and the babysitter have a positive experience, easing any worries about separation anxiety and setting the stage for a successful evening.

1. Trial Run: Why Starting Small Matters

Embarking on your first babysitting journey? Opt for a trial run rather than a full-fledged event night. Here’s why:

Low Stakes Initiation

Use a shorter, casual engagement to let your child and the sitter get acquainted. This could be a brief afternoon activity within the comfort of your home. You may even remain nearby for a part of the session. Some may call this a paid trial, but you can also see it as a regular babysitting gig, just not one where you are dressed to the nines at an elegant event that it’ll be tricky to leave. 

The benefits: 

  • Observation opportunity: It allows you to observe the interaction between the babysitter and your child, ensuring they connect well and understand each other.

  • Easing anxiety: Both you and your child will feel more at ease knowing what to expect when it comes time for a longer separation. Your kiddo gets a chance to be without you and see that all is well, and you’ll get the chance to build up some trust before 

2. Equip Your Babysitter for Success

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, it’s crucial to equip your babysitter with the right tools and information. 

  • Essential information list: Provide a list that includes emergency contacts, food allergies, bedtime routines, and favorite games or toys.

  • House rules: Clearly communicate your house rules regarding screen time, snacks, and outdoor play to keep the evening consistent with your usual practices. 

  • Intro time: If you haven’t done a trial run before, set aside some time after the babysitter arrives and you need to leave. This way you can go over the routines, answer any questions, and make sure the handover doesn’t feel rushed. 

  • Comfort items: Let the sitter know about any 'security' items, like a favorite blanket or toy, that comfort your child.

3. Handling Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is normal, especially for young children experiencing time away from parents for the first time. Here’s how to manage it effectively:

  • Preparation is key: If your kid is older, start discussing the babysitter's visit in advance. Make them excited about fun activities they can do with the sitter. For younger children, a trial may be the best way to have them feel prepared. 

  • Stay positive: At the time of departure, keep your goodbye brief and cheerful to set a positive tone – no matter how you may feel on the inside. Your kiddo takes their cue from you, and if your goodbye is confident and excited, they’ll feel more at ease and trust that everything is a-ok. (And if you find it super hard, don’t worry, you’re far from the only parent who’s walked away with teary eyes, immediately wondering how soon is too soon to check in.)

  • Check-in tactfully: A check-in can put your own separation anxieties at ease. Either ask your sitter to text you at a good time, or send pictures and updates, or check in when you have a chance. If you require a quick response, let the sitter know ahead of time so they’ll have their phone on them and prioritize responding – otherwise they may wish to focus on the child if they’re in the middle of an activity. 

There’s nothing wrong with telling your sitter if you’re nervous about leaving your child for the first time. This is their routine work, and putting you at ease is a part of their job. 

Let them know if you want lots of pictures, or even just a quick check in after leaving to see how your kiddo is doing. Chances are, after the first time goes great, you’ll be much calmer the second time around. 

Also try to give them a little wiggle room – if bed time is 7:30 sharp, give them a little more time than until 7:32 to let you know how it’s going, because chances are even if it takes a little longer than usual, they’ll manage bedtime great and your kiddo will soon be sleeping soundly. 

Professional Sitters = Peace of Mind

By following these tips, you will not only help your child and babysitter form a good relationship, but you will also be able to enjoy your time away. But the best way to feel confident from the start? Make sure you’re hiring a professional, experienced sitter who can navigate the tricky first babysitting experience with fun, excitement, comfort, and trust! 

And how do you find one of those, you ask? Through Smart Sitting, of course. For nearly 15 years, we have helped families connect with experienced, dedicated, and all-round lovely babysitters who understand how nerve-wracking it can be to leave your child with someone else, and who can handle any of the hiccups that inevitably come up. You will connect with a personally assigned member of our team, who will get to know you, your kiddo, and what you’re looking for in a sitter and will then be able to hand-select candidates who fit the bill. What can feel more trustworthy than that?

So don’t hesitate, reach out to us today, and a parent night out is within your reach!

Cajsa Landin