How to hire a nanny for a child with autism

Looking down on a young child leaning across a table with both hands holding open a folded red heart.

Four important qualities to look for

Any parent looking for a nanny wants someone exceptional: reliable, experienced, engaging, and great with their kids. But if you have a child with autism, the stakes are much higher. Your child may have a hard time interacting with new people or have strong separation anxiety from you, or they may have a daily routine that not only looks different from other kids’ but may require stricter adherence.

Whatever the case for your family, looking for a nanny for your child with autism may feel overwhelming. Here are four things to look for, to make hiring a nanny a success for your family. 

1. Previous experience caring for children with autism

Each child is different, and as you know, your child’s autism may not look like that of others you’ve met. Nannies who have previous experience working with children with autism can be particularly helpful. In your interview process, line up all your important questions for their references:

  • How is the nanny with appointments and routines?

  • How did they handle particularly difficult situations?

  • Were they reliable in taking the child on public transportation or driving, if applicable?

By going through the nanny’s work experience, as it relates to your daily routines and to-dos, you’ll have a strong sense of how they live up to the requirements of the position, and you can feel more peace of mind in moving forward. 

2. Special education for autism

When looking to hire a nanny, consider checking at local colleges and universities with special education programs. Maybe a grad student who is currently studying autism could be an especially great fit for your needs.

A special education student or graduate will have knowledge about how autism affects children and know what approaches tend to work best. They will also likely be up to date with the latest research and might even be able to bring ideas and strategies to the table that you had not even thought of yourself. 

3. Emphasize caring as a team

If you are home with your child and looking for a nanny to complement your care, the teamwork between the two of you becomes extra important. Previous experience working in tandem with parents can be super helpful here. If this is your setup, it’s also important to gauge your connection with the nanny in the hiring process. Is this a person you can see yourself spending several hours a day with? Will you be able to rely on them on stressful days or on those days when your child needs more support than usual? 

If your child has appointments with other professionals, such as speech and language or occupational therapists, it’s also important to make sure the nanny is flexible and accommodating to these important people in your family’s life. Confirm that they are comfortable taking your child to appointments and confident in navigating your city in a timely fashion.

Take the time to schedule a paid trial for top candidates to see how they move through a day with your child, with you, and with your routines. 

4. Gauge sensitivity to your child’s needs

Leaving a child in the hands of a nanny is a scary and big step for any parent, requiring lots of trust and often a deep breath or two after closing the door and heading out. In your family, this may be even more apparent.

You may ideally want a nanny who is sensitive to the situation, flexible to how different days may look, and understanding of your child’s actions and reactions. Knowledge about and understanding of autism spectrum disorder is obviously helpful, and any nanny with this insight will be able to share with you what they know so far, but it can be more than that.

Identify your needs and what qualities in a candidate make you feel more comfortable or confident, and then keep that in mind when hiring. You can also choose to have some overlap with a current nanny or yourself if possible, to give both your family and the new nanny a smooth introduction to your child and the routine, with plenty of space and time for adjusting and getting to know each other. 

Are you looking to hire a nanny for your child with autism?

At Smart Sitting, we have over a decade of experience helping families find nannies for their children with autism. We learn about your family's unique ideals and select thoroughly vetted nannies to ensure all candidates have the experience and job history to match your needs.

We are there each step of the way to help you feel fully confident that the nanny you hire is the one who will give you peace of mind - and your kiddo the best days possible.

Let us find the perfect nanny for your family.

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