Nanny Recognition Week: 6 ways to show your appreciation

Nanny recognition week is the perfect time to tell your caregiver how much you appreciate them.

Thank you spelled out in block letters in an article about nanny recognition week

Did you know about National Nanny Recognition week?

National Nanny Recognition Week is a real thing that has taken place every year during the last week of September since 1998. Created by a group of nanny professionals and industry leaders, this week is all about celebrating the incredible nannies who help keep our worlds turning.

Because let’s face it, our nannies are basically superheroes. They care for our kiddos and help the whole machine of your family life chug along. Taking this opportunity to show your nanny some appreciation is a great way to let them know how important their work is to you. As a nanny agency who has championed the professional efforts of nannies since day one, Smart Sitting has rounded up 6 super ways you can show your nanny how much you appreciate them during Nanny Recognition Week. 

6 ways to show your nanny appreciation

  1. Say “Thank you”: It may not seem like much, but sometimes a simple ‘thank you’ can mean a lot. Take the time to express your gratitude to your nanny for all that they do. You can say it in person, write a note, or even send a text message. Letting your nanny know that you appreciate their hard work and dedication will surely make them feel valued.

  2. Give a thoughtful gift: A small gift can go a long way in showing your appreciation. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something thoughtful that shows you care. It could be a book, a scented candle, a gift card for their favorite store, or even a bouquet of flowers.

  3. Offer a day off: If possible, offer your nanny a full or half day off during Nanny Recognition Week as a way of saying thank you. This gesture will show that you recognize and appreciate their hard work and dedication.

  4. Involve the kids: Encourage your children to show their appreciation by making cards, drawings, or small crafts for their nanny. This will not only make the nanny feel special but will also teach your children about the importance of showing gratitude.

  5. Give a bonus: If it is financially feasible, consider giving your nanny a small bonus as a token of your appreciation. A bonus can be added onto their paycheck that week, or why not put the money in a gift card to their favorite store?

  6. Treat Them to a Meal: Consider treating your nanny to a meal as a way of saying thank you. It could be a homemade dinner, a meal at their favorite restaurant, or even a gift card for a meal delivery service.

Are you looking for a nanny to appreciate?

For some of you parents, finding and hiring your ideal nanny still waits around the corner. If you are about to start your nanny search, why not get a little help along the way? At Smart Sitting, we have spent well over a decade finding the most dedicated, experienced professional caregivers and matching them with families in personalized matches.

We’ve created a community of nannies and babysitters that we continue to support and appreciate in their career. If you are looking for a nanny to appreciate, start with us. (And if you have any other great ways to show appreciation during NNRW, hit us up on Facebook or Instagram, we’d love to see it!)

Cajsa Landin