Smart Sitting Caregiver Policies: Things to Remember!

We pride ourselves in having the best roster of caregivers in all of the areas we serve! In order to provide the exemplary care that we expect from our sitters and nannies, we have policies that exist to make sure everyone is on the same page.


Accept jobs that you will prioritize over other things that may come up (barring unforeseen emergencies and the rare un- pass-upable opportunity). If you have accepted a job or a booking, we and the family are counting on you! If you have any concerns about accepting a job, please be transparent with us so that we can help guide you towards the best outcome.


Please be a responsive communicator! We will send you texts about jobs & would love to hear back from you right away so we can get things done! We understand that this isn't always possible, so please get back to us as soon as can (same day) and at least within 24 hours of receiving direct communication. You don't need to have the answer right away, so just letting us know you got the message helps a lot.


We understand that personal emergencies come up and want to be respectful of your time during a difficult situation. If you are experiencing a personal or family emergency, please contact us with a brief explanation of why you are unreachable and when we can expect to reach you again, so we do not continue to follow up with you during a difficult time.


If you are experiencing any symptoms of contagious illness, don't work!

Please try to cancel at least 24 hours before the start time (the more time the better). For early morning jobs, cancellations the night before are strongly requested.

Steps to cancel:

  • Email and include all details.

  • Call 646-396-0230 and leave a message.

  • Text 646-681-7181.

  • You should only contact the family directly if you cannot get ahold of our admin team.


Approve/submit every working hour for each and every job, due by Sunday at midnight each week.

Luke Winter