Smart Sitting Job Categories: A Breakdown

Here at Smart Sitting, we provide our caregivers a variety of opportunities in order to help you thrive in your career. Sometimes, all the terminology can get a bit confusing, so we’re here to break it down and demystify the process for you!

Short Term


These positions are mostly provided through Bright Horizons and, organizations that facilitate corporate childcare benefits for large employers. We have limited contact with these families and must rely on the information provided to us by program administrators. Positions are readily available. If you'd like to work immediately, we recommend booking a corporate back-up care job. Talk to for more information.


Families in the Always On Babysitting & Back-Up Care program are Smart Sitting's direct clients. We get to know each Smart Sitting family personally through phone consultations and guide them toward the best childcare arrangement for their specific needs. We focus on getting to know the family and finding them a great match. Temp and Short-term positions are anywhere between a day, a week, or up to 3 months in length. If you'd like to book a temp or short-term position, please reach out to

Long Term


As an approved member of the Smart Sitting network, you can begin browsing our job board and apply to any positions for which you think you would be a good fit. Just log into your SmartSitterville account to view the available opportunities.

We review all applications and send candidate applications that best fit the job requirements to the family. It is the family's decision which candidates they will interview. We encourage families to have 2-3 interviews before making a job offer or moving to the trial phase.

We will let you know right away via text if a family has requested to schedule an interview with you. These interviews will either be via phone, FaceTime, or in person if and when it is safe to meet face-to-face.

After interviews, the family may request a trial with their top nanny or sitter candidate. While you are welcome to arrange trial details with the family at the end of an interview (if the family suggests doing so), we are happy to make the arrangements for you as well.

Please be sure to let Smart Sitting know of all meetings and trial arrangements made between you and a Smart Sitting family. Should a family want to hire you, we will help confirm and finalize all the job details including compensation, schedule, benefits, legal employment, and responsibilities.

Have a question? We’re here to help. 646-396-0230

Luke Winter