5 Essential Tips for Summer Travel with Kids

Here’s how to hit the road with confidence

Looking for a nanny to travel with you this summer? Contact us for a personalized match with a stellar professional who’ll make your travels a breeze!

family traveling in summer

Traveling with kids can be both an exciting adventure and a logistical challenge. You want to show your kids the world – and get some well-earned R&R yourself – but you also know traveling with kids is not the same as when it was just you and your partner. 

Some parents feel so overwhelmed that they avoid traveling with kids entirely. But it doesn’t have to be chaos! This guide from your trusted nanny agency Smart Sitting will help you navigate the complexities of summer travel with children, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for the whole family.

How to travel well with kids

1. Maintain Routines on the Road

Everything is topsy turvy on vacation: an unknown bed, no alarm clock in the morning, and the potential for ice cream with every meal. 

But kids, especially younger kids, find comfort and security in routines and in knowing what to expect. Therefore, finding the balance between your regular routines and the freedom of vacation can be key. 

  • Familiarity Helps: Bring along favorite toys or bedtime books to give a sense of home, helping children adjust more quickly to new environments. Follow your same bedtime routines, even if they occur slightly later than usual, or the bed is different. Keeping as much as possible familiar will help your kiddo feel safe and happy.

  • Flexibility with Structure: While it's beneficial to maintain some routines, flexibility is key for some fun. Plan for regular meal and bedtime schedules that adapt to your travel itinerary, but allow for slower mornings, or keep calm if the nap schedule is off for a day because of some fun excursion. You can get back on track!

2. Deal with Jet Lag

For families traveling abroad or across the country, the pain of jet lag is real. A few key steps will help ease the whole family into the new time zone. 

  • Adjust Early: If possible, start adjusting your children’s sleep schedules a few days before departure to align more closely with the destination time zone. About 15 minutes per day is doable. 

  • Stay Hydrated and Rested: Encourage hydration and try to get plenty of rest during the flight; tiredness can exacerbate the effects of jet lag. If possible, book an overnight flight as it may be easier for your little ones to sleep on the plane (plus it’ll make the time go faster!).

3. Sync Info with Nanny or Preschool

You know your kid, but there may be others who also see the kiddo regularly who you may want to debrief with before you go. Vacation is a time to relax from the daily curriculum, for sure, but why not sneak in a little vocabulary practice if your kiddo has been super excited by it during the school year? 

  • Update on Progress: Before you leave, check in with your nanny or your child’s preschool to understand current routines, latest developments, and any ongoing projects.

  • Daily Routines: Ask for a brief rundown of daily schedules that include nap times, play times, and learning activities to keep a semblance of normalcy. Maybe you want to keep building on your 4-year-olds literacy activities, or you’ll learn that your kiddo naps best after a long stretch of outdoor play.

4. Choose the Right Accommodation

Gone are the days when you could squeeze into a hostel, a rustic tent, or an adults-only luxury hotel that doesn’t know how to warm a bottle of milk. Confirm a few key features before you to ensure the smoothest possible stay – and the most relaxation for you yourself. 

(Pro tip: if you’re visiting the grand-parents, though, don’t ask what child-friendly activities they have lined up. They’ll probably snag those grandbabies from your arms the second you arrive, but no one wants to feel like a resort.)

  • Child-Friendly Amenities: Ensure your accommodation is child-friendly. Check for amenities like cribs, child safety features, and entertainment options.

  • Location Matters: Stay close to attractions or parks so that travel time is minimized. This is especially helpful for keeping young travelers happy and may be crucial on that day when you are rushing to make it back before your toddler falls asleep in a taxi and the whole schedule is out the window.

5. Packing Essentials

What goes in your particular suitcase is unique to you, but here are a few things you may want to think about bringing to make sure things stay easy and fun. 

  • Medications and First Aid: Always bring a basic first aid kit along with any regular medications your children need.

  • Snacks and Entertainment: Pack enough snacks, games, and activities to keep your children occupied during downtimes and long travels.

Bonus tip: Allow older children to help plan the trip. This increases their excitement and engagement with the travel experience.

You can read more in this comprehensive guide to traveling with children


Bringing a nanny?

Traveling with kids doesn't have to be daunting. With the right preparation, a flexible attitude, and engaging activities, you can ensure a memorable summer adventure for the entire family.  

And if you truly want this trip to be a breeze, bring an experienced, engaging nanny with you. A professional nanny will be able to show the children a fun and exciting time, while also managing the regular routine, so that you can do all the fun bits – including resting, enjoying your trip, and maybe even having an adult conversation (remember those?). 

At Smart Sitting nanny agencyanny-agency-new-york, we’ve helped connect traveling families with skilled nannies for well over a decade. Let our dedicated Family Specialists get to know you and your family as well as what your dream trip would look like and find the right nanny for you. 

Cajsa Landin