What can after-school sitters do when school’s out? 

School’s out for summer – but I still need to pay rent! 

How to keep on the sunny side

For after-school nannies and sitters, the end of the school year often brings uncertainty about employment and hours. Your regular, dependable gig and income might go on pause as kiddos are out of school, going off to camp, or traveling with their families. However, it might also mean opportunities for more work and higher incomes for sitters with some flexibility. 

This guide helps you understand what to expect and how to manage during the summer months when regular after-school jobs might pause.

Start by checking in on your current nanny job

Step one in figuring out your summer plans is to discuss summer plans well in advance with the family you work for. Some families might need full-time care during the summer, while others may enroll their children in camps or other activities and no longer need your services.

Some families haven’t thought this through entirely and expect you to be available again when school starts back up. However, if they are not paying you a guaranteed income even when they don’t need you, they have to be prepared to potentially lose you to another job. 

That said, if you communicate early on, find out what the family’s plans are and how it might factor into your own, there’s often a way to work it out that works for both sides. This is why communication - as always - is key.

Options for nannies during the summer

Look for temporary full-time positions

Many families look for full-time childcare during the summer. These positions often involve more hours and can sometimes pay more due to the extended care needed. These roles can vary widely, from providing basic childcare to planning and engaging children in daily educational and recreational activities.

  • Compensation: Given the increased hours and responsibilities, summer nanny roles may offer higher compensation than part-time after-school jobs. Some families might also offer bonuses or increased pay for travel duties or special projects.

  • Activities and Duties: Beyond typical childcare, you may be responsible for taking children to various summer activities like swimming, sports, camps, or classes. You could also be asked to help with school summer assignments or projects. We find that many families looking for summer nannies are particularly interested in nannies with excellent swimming skills and even lifeguard experience. 

You might also look into other summer-only positions working with kids, such as at summer camps, sports activities, or educational programs where your experience working as a nanny can be a big boost. 

Work as a travel nanny

Some families might need a nanny to travel with them on vacation to help look after the children, offering a change of scenery and new experiences. Traveling comes in all shapes. This may be a month-long stay in a family’s own Hampton house, or it may be a busy 2-week jaunt around Europe.  

Traveling with a family can be an exciting and rewarding opportunity but comes with its set of challenges and responsibilities. You'll need to adapt quickly to new environments and maintain flexibility. Duties while traveling often extend beyond typical childcare, including helping with packing, managing children’s schedules on the go, and ensuring safety in unfamiliar places.

Read more about traveling as a nanny

When to start looking

Start looking for summer nanny roles or travel opportunities early in the year—ideally by late winter or early spring. Many families begin planning their summer as early as March, especially if it involves travel or enrollment in popular camps. Once you have a grasp on your current after-school family’s plans, it’s a good time to start looking! 

Towards the end of the summer, start reaching out to families you worked with during the school year. Confirm arrangements for the new school year and discuss any changes in schedule or duties.


We have a job for you

As a high-end nanny agency, we find that summer is a busy time of year with families looking for more childcare help than ever. If you’re scrambling to find work for the summer – and you are dedicated, experienced, and love working with kids – we can help match you with just the right position for you. Fill out our application today and let the Smart Sitting team get to know you.

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Cajsa Landin